
Search for peace places Africa in critical junction

Former President of the ECOWAS Commission, Dr Mohamed Ibn Chambas, says Africa is now at a critical junction in its search for peace.

Chambas spoke after being honoured at the Diplomatic Honours Awards Ceremony held in Accra, Ghana.

The forum had in attendance President Nana Akuffo-Addo of Ghana, ministers and members of the diplomatic corps in that country.

Chambas, the African Union Chief Mediator on Sudan, lamented the crises raging across the continent.

“We are at a critical juncture in our quest for a peaceful and secured Africa and the world, ” he said.

The renowned diplomat said, geostrategic competition, resort by big powers to unilateralism, the invasion of Libya, wars in Ukraine, Gaza as well as Sudan had contributed to the recent decline of multilateralism.

“During the first decade of this century, Africa and West Africa in particular, experienced impressive transition to democratic governance.

“Democracy became an enviable norm in the ECOWAS subregion.

“Indeed, when I assumed office as Chief Executive of ECOWAS in 2001, majority of Heads of State were military rulers and by the time I left in 2010, they were all elected presidents.

“Regrettably, from August 2020 to August 2023, in the space of three years, there were 13 coups or coup attempts in Africa,” he said.

He described the crisis in Sudan as the world’s worst humanitarian catastrophe.

Chambas said more than 10 million people had been displaced internally and two million externally as refugees, while several thousands had been killed.

“The State of Sudan is on the brink of total collapse and nearly one million are on the verge of dying from starvation,” he added.

He also said that violent extremists’ attacks had continued to rise yearly with more than 13,000 fatalities attributable to terrorists’ attack.

According to him, the Sahel has accounted for more than half the reported attacks on civilians by militant groups in Africa.

Ahead of the Dec. 7 presidential election in Ghana, he urged the contestants, election management body, security agencies and voters to work toward a peaceful outcome.

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